من‭ ‬بقعـــــــــة‭ ‬تهــــــــــــــوي‭ ‬إليهــــــــــــــــا‭ ‬الأفئـــــــــــــــــدة‭ ‬رسمــــــــــــنا‭ ‬خطانا‭ ‬فابتـــــــــــــــــدأت‭ ‬مســـــــــــــــــــــيرتنا‭ ‬بتوفيـــــــــــــق‭ ‬من‭ ‬الله

فقدمنا‭ ‬خدماتنا‭ ‬الراقية‭ ‬وإمكانيتنا‭ ‬العالية‭ ‬وطاقمنا‭ ‬المتميز

فنلنا‭ ‬شرف‭ ‬خدمة‭ ‬ضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬بأعظم‭ ‬زمان‭ ‬وأشرف‭ ‬مكان‭ .‬

From the most beloved places for Muslims in the world‭, ‬we drew our steps‭, ‬and our work began with Allahs grace‭.‬

We provided our high-end services‭, ‬our high capabilities‭, ‬and our distinguished staff‭; ‬we have the honor of serving the guests of Allah in the greatest time and the most honorable place‭.‬

فمنذ عام تأسيس الشركة عام 1431هـ ونحن نحث خطانا لنكون ضمن الأفضل على مستوى مكة المكرمة في خدمة ضيوف الرحمن في مواسم الحج والعمرة لأننا نؤمن بطاقمنا ونطور من أعمالنا في مجالات الإعاشة والفندقة والإسكان والمواصلات وإثراء تجربة ضيوف الرحمن بالجولات السياحية في مكة المكرمة والمدينة المنورة .

About the Seasons Support Company

Since the company was established in‭ ‬1431‭ ‬AH‭, ‬we seek and work hard to be among the‭ ‬best in Mecca in serving the guests of Allah during the seasons of Hajj and Umrah‭.‬

We believe in our staff and develop our work in the fields of catering‭, ‬hospitality industry‭, ‬housing‭, ‬transportation‭, ‬and enriching the experience of guests of Allah with touristic tours in Mecca and Al-Medina Al‭- ‬Munawwarah‭.‬

قدمنا‭ ‬تجربة‭ ‬فريدة‭ ‬لضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬في‭ ‬مجال‭ ‬الإعاشة‭ ‬

قدمنا‭ ‬تجربة‭ ‬فريدة‭ ‬لضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬في‭ ‬مجال‭ ‬الإعاشة‭ ‬

فجهزنا‭ ‬مطابخ‭ ‬متكاملة‭ ‬بأحدث‭ ‬الادوات‭ ‬يعمل‭ ‬فيها‭ ‬امهر‭ ‬الطهاة‭ ‬لتقديم‭ ‬أصناف‭ ‬متنوعة‭ ‬تناسب‭ ‬كافة‭ ‬الأذواق‭ ‬ومختلف‭ ‬رغبات‭ ‬الشعوب‭ ‬حيث‭ ‬تتوزع‭ ‬مطابخنا‭ ‬في‭ ‬مواقع‭ ‬متفرقة‭ ‬لتكون‭ ‬خدماتنا‭ ‬قريبة‭ ‬من‭ ‬ضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬حيث‭ ‬حلوا‭ ‬ونزلوا‭.‬

We provided a unique experience for the guests of Allah in the field of catering‭.‬

We provided a unique experience for the guests of Allah in the field of catering‭.‬

We equipped integrated kitchens with the latest tools and instruments‭, ‬we also provided the most skilled chefs to provide a variety of dishes that suit all tastes and different desires of peoples‭.‬

Our kitchens are distributed in various locations to provide our services to the guests of Allah wherever they arrive and stay‭.‬

نبـــــــــــــــذة‭ ‬عـــــــــن‭ ‬تجهيـــــــــز‭ ‬الطعــــــــــــام

نضع‭ ‬المقادير‭ ‬والمعايير‭ ‬بدقة‭ ‬متناهية‭ ‬لنعد‭ ‬الأطباق‭ ‬العربية‭ ‬والعالمية‭ ‬والأصناف‭ ‬المتنوعة‭ ‬على‭ ‬أيدي‭ ‬طهاة‭ ‬مهرة‭ ‬وبجودة‭ ‬عالية‭ ‬ووقت‭ ‬قياسي‭ ‬حيث‭ ‬نعد‭ ‬أكثر‭ ‬من‭( ‬40‭ ‬ألف‭ ) ‬وجبة‭ ‬في‭ ‬الفترة‭ ‬الواحدة‭ ‬و‭ ‬على‭ ‬مدى‭ ‬أيام‭ ‬موسم‭ ‬الحج‭ ‬تم‭ ‬تغطية‭ ‬أكثر‭ ‬من‭ (‬2مليون‭) ‬وجبة‭ ‬لمختلف‭ ‬الوجبات‭ ‬طيلة‭ ‬فترة‭ ‬موسم‭ ‬الحج

Food Processing‭ ‬

We care about the ingredients and standards with utmost precision to prepare Arab and‭ ‬international dishes and various items through the skilled chefs‭, ‬with high quality and record time.We prepare more than‭ (‬40 thousand‭) ‬meals in one period Over the days of Hajj season‭, ‬we prepared more than 2‭ ‬million various meals throughout Hajj‭ ‬season‭.‬

الأصنــــــــــــــــــاف‭ ‬المتنــــــوعـــــــــــــة‭ ‬

تزخر‭ ‬الموائد‭ ‬التي‭ ‬نشرف‭ ‬عليها‭ ‬بأشهى‭ ‬الأصناف‭ ‬العربية‭ ‬والعالمية‭ ‬لتلبي‭ ‬أذواق‭ ‬ضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬وتكون‭ ‬على‭ ‬موعد‭ ‬مع‭ ‬رغباتهم‭ ‬وتفضيلاتهم‭.‬

Miscellaneous Items‭ ‬

The tables are filled with the most delicious Arab and international dishes to meet the tastes of the guests of Allah and meet their desires and preferences‭.‬


فريقنا‭ ‬المتميز‭ ‬أهم‭ ‬روافد‭ ‬الإنجازات‭ ‬لدينا‭ ‬حيث‭ ‬يعمل‭ ‬بداخل‭ ‬المطبخ‭ ‬342‭ ‬موظفا‭ ‬منهم

Our Staff‭ ‬

Our distinguished team is the most important source of our achievements‭; ‬whereas we‭ ‬appointed‭ ‬in the kitchen‭: ‬342‭ ‬Employees

طاهيات‭ ‬
Female Chefs
طاهيا‭ ‬
Administration Officers
عاملا‭ ‬وعاملة
male and female workers

يتميزون‭ ‬بالمهنية‭ ‬العالية‭ ‬ليقدموا‭ ‬الخدمات‭ ‬في‭ ‬فروعنا‭ ‬وأماكن‭ ‬تقديم‭ ‬وجباتنا‭ ‬بجودة‭ ‬عالية‭ ‬واحترافية‭ ‬متناهية،‭ ‬وتفان‭ ‬في‭ ‬الإنجاز‭ ‬وخدمة‭ ‬ضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭.‬

All of them are distinguished by high professionalism to provide food catering in our branches and places where we serve our meals with high quality‭, ‬utmost professionalism‭, ‬and dedication in serving the guests of Allah‭.‬

نبــــــــــذة‭ ‬عــــــــــن‭ ‬التغليــــــــــف

عناية‭ ‬منا‭ ‬بجودة‭ ‬الطعام‭ ‬و‭ ‬حرصا‭ ‬على‭ ‬وصول‭ ‬الوجبات‭ ‬بشكل‭ ‬يليق‭ ‬بضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬يعمل‭ ‬350‭ ‬عاملا‭ ‬على‭ ‬تغليف‭ ‬الأطعمة‭ ‬بحافظات‭ ‬صحية‭ ‬مخصصة‭ ‬تسهل‭ ‬نقل‭ ‬الوجبة‭ ‬وتحافظ‭ ‬على‭ ‬جودتها‭ ‬ومذاقها‭ ‬ووصولها‭ ‬في‭ ‬الوقت‭ ‬المحدد‭ ‬لتغطي‭ ‬احتياجات‭ ‬المستفيدين‭ ‬والتي‭ ‬بلغت‭ ‬أكثر‭ ‬من‭(‬2مليون‭)‬وجبة‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬موسم‭ ‬الحج


‬Because we care about the quality of food and ensure that the meals arrive in a‭ ‬manner befitting the guests of Allah‭; ‬we appointed 350‭ ‬workers for packaging foods in custom-made hygienic containers that facilitate the transportation of the meal‭, ‬maintain its quality and taste‭, ‬and ensure its arrival on time to cover the needs of beneficiaries‭, ‬which amounted more than‭ (‬2‭ ‬million‭) ‬meals during Hajj season‭.‬

نبـــــــــــــذة‭ ‬مختصــــــــرة‭ ‬عـــن‭ ‬التـــــــوزيع‭ ‬والسيــــــارات

ولكي‭ ‬تصل‭ ‬وجباتنا‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬ضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬بالجودة‭ ‬العالية‭ ‬والمذاق‭ ‬الشهي‭ ‬والحرارة‭ ‬المناسبة‭ ‬ينطلق‭ ‬أسطولنا‭ ‬المكون‭ ‬من‭ ‬40‭ ‬شاحنة‭ ‬معدة‭ ‬بأجهزة‭ ‬التسخين‭ ‬والتبريد‭ ‬من‭ ‬فروعنا‭ ‬الموزعة‭ ‬في‭ ‬أنحاء‭ ‬مكة‭ ‬المكرمةلنوصل‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬موسم‭ ‬الحج‭ ‬أكثر‭ ‬من‭ ( ‬2مليون‭ ) ‬وجبة‭ ‬لتقدم‭ ‬ساخنة‭ ‬وباردة‭ ‬وتلبي‭ ‬ذائقة‭ ‬ضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬وتغطي‭ ‬احتياجهم‭ ‬الغذائي‭.‬

Distribution and Vehicles

In order to our meals reach to the guests of Allah with high quality‭, ‬good taste‭ ‬and appropriate temperature‭; ‬we have‭ ‬40‭ ‬trucks equipped with heating and cooling devices from our distributing branches in all‭ ‬over Mecca

During Hajj season‭, ‬we will deliver more than 2‭ ‬million meals‭, ‬which are served hot and cold and meets the taste of the guests of Allah and covers their nutritional needs‭.‬


لإقامة‭ ‬المناسك‭ ‬وتقديم‭ ‬تجربة‭ ‬ثرية‭ ‬لضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬نقدم‭ ‬برنامجا‭ ‬لموسم‭ ‬العمرة‭ ‬يشمل‭ ‬الإقامة‭ ‬والإعاشة‭ ‬والموصلات‭ ‬والجولات‭ ‬الثقافية‭ ‬والبرامج‭ ‬السياحية‭.‬


To hold pilgrimage ceremonies and provide a rich experience for the‭ ‬guests of Allah‭, ‬we provide a program for Umrah season that includes accommodation‭, ‬food catering‭, ‬transportation‭, ‬cultural tours‭, ‬and touristic programs‭.‬

الإسكــــــــــان‭ ‬والفندقـــــــــــة

‭ ‬نقدم‭ ‬أرقى‭ ‬الخيارات‭ ‬السكنية‭ ‬لضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬بتنسيق‭ ‬مع‭ ‬بعثات‭ ‬الحج‭ ‬والعمرة‭ ‬بتوفير‭ ‬أفضل‭ ‬الفنادق‭ ‬والمباني‭ ‬السكنية‭ ‬ذات‭ ‬الخدمات‭ ‬المتكاملة‭ ‬والتي‭ ‬تقدم‭ ‬تجربة‭ ‬سكنية‭ ‬ثرية‭ ‬لضيف‭ ‬الرحمن‭. ‬

Housing and Hospitality Industry

We provide the best residential options for the guests of Allah in coordination with‭ ‬Hajj and Umrah‮]‬s missions by providing the best hotels and residential buildings with integrated services that provide a rich residential experience for the guests of Allah‭.‬


لرحلة‭ ‬ينعم‭ ‬فيها‭ ‬ضيف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬والزائر‭ ‬بتجربة‭ ‬تنقل‭ ‬مريحة‭ ‬وآمنة‭ ‬نوفر‭ ‬حافلات‭ ‬حديثة‭ ‬للمجموعات‭ ‬تطبق‭ ‬فيها‭ ‬معايير‭ ‬الجودة‭ ‬والنظافة‭ ‬والراحة،ولرحلات‭ ‬الأعمال‭ ‬والأفراد‭ ‬نوفر‭ ‬سيارات‭ ‬خاصة‭ ‬تلبي‭ ‬احتياجات‭ ‬المستفيدين‭ ‬في‭ ‬تنقلاتهم‭.‬


‬To get a comfortable trip for the guest of Allah and visitors‭, ‬we provide modern‭ ‬buses for groups that apply standards of quality‭, ‬cleanliness and comfort‭.‬

For business and individual trips‭, ‬we provide private cars that meet the needs of beneficiaries for their transportation‭.‬


نقدم‭ ‬جولات‭ ‬ثقافية‭ ‬للمزارات‭ ‬الدينية‭ ‬والتاريخية‭ ‬والمعالم‭ ‬الأثرية‭ ‬والإسلامية‭ ‬في‭ ‬مكة‭ ‬المكرمة‭ ‬والمشاعر‭ ‬المقدسة‭ ‬والمدينة‭ ‬المنورة‭ ‬تشمل‭ ‬تعريفا‭ ‬وشرحا‭ ‬من‭ ‬قبل‭ ‬مختصين‭ ‬مصرحين‭ ‬من‭ ‬الهيئات‭ ‬الرسمية‭ .‬


We offer cultural tours to religious and historical shrines‭, ‬archaeological and Islamic‭ ‬monuments in Mecca‭, ‬the Holy Sites and Medina‭.‬

These cultural tours include a definition and explanation by specialists authorized by official bodies‭.‬

البرامــــــــج‭ ‬السياحيـــــــة‭ ‬

لتجربة‭ ‬ثرية‭ ‬متكاملة‭ ‬نقدم‭ ‬برنامجا‭ ‬سياحيا‭ ‬لضيوف‭ ‬الرحمن‭ ‬بعد‭ ‬أدائهم‭ ‬لمناسك‭ ‬العمرة‭ ‬ورغبتهم‭ ‬للتعرف‭ ‬على‭ ‬مدن‭ ‬المملكة‭ ‬العربية‭ ‬السعودية‭ ‬ومناطقها‭ ‬السياحية‭ ‬ويشمل‭ ‬البرنامج‭ ‬زيارة‭ ‬المناطق‭ ‬السياحية‭ ‬والثقافية‭ ‬والتاريخية‭ ‬والترفيهية‭ ‬والتسويقية‭ ‬

Touristic Programs‭ ‬

To get rich and integrated experience‭, ‬we provide a touristic program for the guests‭ ‬of Allah after performing Umrah ceremonies to meet their desires to know the cities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its tourist areas‭. ‬The program includes visiting tourist‭, ‬cultural‭, ‬historical‭, ‬entertainment and marketing areas‭.‬


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المملكة العربية السعودية

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